Articles tagged "HIMARS"

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, October 11

Bulgarian authorities uncover plot to export military equipment to Russia -- Special forces of Russia, Belarus plan false flag attack on Belarusian territory -- Russia fails to regain seat on UN Human Rights Council -- Russia launching new offensive in Avdiivka -- Ukrainian forces reportedly advance southeast, east as weather worsens -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Thursday, October 5

SBU drones hit Russian S-400 air defense system near Belgorod -- Russia transfers Black Sea Fleet vessels to avoid Ukrainian fire -- Two sisters capture the beauty of Ukraine’s villages before it’s gone -- Kyiv says special forces conduct operation in occupied Crimea -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, September 27

Another Russian command post reportedly hit in Kherson Oblast -- Large fire reported near Moscow -- Russian missiles contain up to 50 foreign-made parts -- SBU detains priest of Kremlin-linked church over selling arms -- EU Commission names social platform X leading disinformation source -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Monday, September 25

Ukrainian forces push forward near Melitopol -- Saboteurs hit Russian military targets in Moscow, Kaluga oblasts -- Drone hits FSB building in Russia's Kursk -- Poland prepares transit corridors for Ukrainian grain -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, August 30

Russian colonel tortured civilians to death in Kherson Oblast -- Kremlin has a long history of killing its opponents -- As counteroffensive presses forward in southeast, 'every meter costs a life' -- German company under investigation for selling drone components to Russia -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Tuesday, August 15

Russia hits Dnipro, Lviv, Lutsk during night attack -- Ruble drops to lowest point since start of Russia's all-out war -- US detects Russian military aircraft in Alaskan air defense zone -- Russian overnight attack against Odesa damages over 200 buildings -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, July 26

Russia retreats from Andriivka as Ukraine makes gains near Bakhmut -- UN rejects Russia's claims on Olenivka prison massacre -- F-16 jets will enable Ukraine to protect grain corridor -- Wheat prices rise sharply after Russian attacks on Ukrainian port infrastructure -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Sunday, July 16

Russia after Wagner revolt: Will Putin stay afloat or face more turmoil? -- Over 50 Russians found guilty of war crimes in Ukraine -- Ukraine says it destroyed Russian S-400 missile system used in deadly strike on Kramatorsk -- Russia unleashes drones, bombards southern Ukraine overnight -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Saturday, May 6

“We are only safe today thanks to Ukraine” -- HIMARS become less effective in Ukraine due to Russia's jamming -- Russian forces shell power station in Donetsk Oblast for more than 2 hours -- Russia will 'highly likely remain unable' to protect railways from further sabotage -- Russia's deportation of Ukrainian children 'may amount' to crime against humanity -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Thursday, May 4

Russia deploys military equipment, explosives at Zaporizhzhia power plant -- Russia may have staged Kremlin drone strike to bring war home to domestic audience -- Russia likely shifting targets in coordinated mass missile strikes -- Nordic-Ukrainian Summit: Kyiv must eventually join NATO -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Thursday, April 20

Russia possibly preparing to sabotage wind turbines, gas pipes, power cables in Nordic countries -- Defense Ministry says complex measures of counteroffensive underway in the east -- Ukraine’s agricultural sector has suffered more than $8 billion from war damage -- Patriot systems from US, Netherlands already in Ukraine -- Russian propaganda entrenched in eastern Ukraine -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, April 5

Lessons from Georgia of geopolitical procrastination -- Claims Russia placed aircraft, missile systems in Belarus capable of delivering nuclear strikes -- Ukraine needs $37 billion for humanitarian demining -- Clinton regrets persuading Ukraine to denuclearize in 1994 -- and more