Articles tagged "democracy"

UK Government Denying Democracy & Ruling by Diktat

Two committee reports condemn the shift of power away from Parliament to ministers through the use of ‘skeleton bills’ and statutory instruments

Time to Stop the Rot

The UK may be the only democracy in the world without a written constitution – a ‘higher’ law or code to which all others must conform.

In Plain Sight, Boris Johnson is Rigging the System to Stay in Power

Weakening the courts, limiting protest, hobbling the elections regulator. If another country did this, what would we call it?

Mandatory Voter ID - Tory Govt Makes Astonishing Admission 3.5 Million Will Be Disenfranchised

Users without ID would experience a serious restriction of their experience, freedom of expression and rights

I Called Out the Prime Minister for Lying & Got Thrown Out of Parliament

Boris Johnson has lied to the country & to the House of Commons repeatedly for years

Some of Today’s Politicians have Learned Propaganda Tricks from 1930s Fascists, says Yale professor

Democracy is a fragile creation, and the Yale professor and historian of fascism Timothy Snyder should know

Peerage, Barron Cruddas & 3/4 of a Million Pounds Donated to the Conservative Party

He was crowned, or whatever happens to them, ‘Baron’ Cruddas on 2 February 2021 and a few days later, on 5 February 2021, he gave the Tories another half a million

A Warning to All Democracies - Look at US voting Rights Restrictions

Worldwide attack on democracy is underway. America & United Kingdom passing voter suppression laws & gerrymandering.

Video Update: This Week in Court - Tory Government PPE Procurement Scandal

Legal Director of Good Law Project, Gemma Abbott, provides a 2 minute update of week's court hearings against Tory government awarding multi-million pound contracts to friends & donors

Tories to Undermine UK Democracy with Mandatory Voter ID Law

The best electoral systems are the most inclusive. Boris Johnson's Tory government plans lock out millions of legitimate, non-Tory voters

This is Trumpian Stuff

Taxpayer's funds hijacked? Is the current Tory government simply diverting the resources of the state to hold onto power?

Police and Crime Bill will Create Toxic Legacy

Banning protest would make us more like Putin’s Russia than the UK. It would be a lasting and toxic legacy for Boris Johnson.