LJ Post 314159

Hurrah - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Today was fun.

This morning was the first morning of the new lock, this new lock on the backdoor is opened with a code isntead of keys, which is good as we can never lock ourselves out now.

However, at 7:15am, all groggy with a dog bouncing up and down to take a curry like poo I could not for the life of me remember how to open it from the inside. After about 5 seconds of “find the knob” I decided just to open the big sliding doors from the dining room, that worked. However, I will re-educate myself for tomorrow morning.

Another fun thing was the lights on my way to work, oh they stayed green and let 3-5 cars go through, however, even though I was shortly behind it quickly turned red (with nobody turning right mind you) and then turned green about 2 seconds later.

Yes, the fun that is my mornings.

Oh yes, my V200 is on delivery this morning (10-14 business days my fucking ass) so I suspect I’ll return home to receive the classic “You ordered shit, but you’re not home you fucking wanker” slip through the post box, with any luck I’ll be able to pick it up on an evening or variant time in the near future.
