Simon Phipps

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Images are my own unless otherwise mentioned.


Martin Marot-Perz 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈

Father of three, Engineer, Hobby-Philosopher, soft-washed Atheist, living in Austria, …


Writing on the internet since the mid-90s as the OG Hipster Bloggeur now running my own servers cos that one time Russia bought LiveJournal and we all panicked

Paul Hutch


OG Hipster Blogger since 2000, the time before blogging was ever cool

Salve J. Nilsen

Some guy in Oslo, Norway, spending time on #FLOSS software & communities, #InternetSociety, #StreetEpistemology, #Rakulang, #Perl and @hackeriet.

Charles-H. Schulz

French Technologist, Cybersecurity Veteran & Free Software advocate and practitioner. #Vates #Xen #Virtualization #cybersecurity #ODF #Emacs #softwarefreedom #OpenStandards

amcooper 🍉🐈‍⬛

Wonders about humanity sometimes—Slightly annoying—Pretty good computer programmer—Retired Lojbanist—Stuck in Occupied Lenapehoking—Supporter of small dogs—Down with content

Michel Salim :fedora: :debian:

Meta production engineer on weekdays, #Fedora package maintainer on weekends. #Lisp-er and #FP enthusiast, but coding mostly in #Python and #Ruby - only for #Chef - at work. #freesoftware #linux user since 1998.

He/him pronouns.

Please have a filled profile (or enough toots) before requesting to follow, so I can get a feel of who you are, thanks!


⚡golang, ruby/rails
🕸 cloud-native, k8s
👷‍♂️sre/infra engineer

extremely interested in the decentralized net, self-hosting and privacy space.

believes that the web should be free where information that is on the internet can be obtained freely regardless of social status and privilege and that the internet should return to its roots as the great equalizer.

also admin


Whovian, railway & politics geek and event organiser (@currybeer, Geek Walks and others). Freelance PHP developer and Linux system administrator. He/him/sir

Stanisław Małolepszy

I make small 3D games (, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

Für die Neuankömmlinge im Fediverse:
Ohne Infos in deinem Profil, ohne Content in deinem Profil, kein eigener Content in deinem Profil: Ich lehne Folgeanfragen ab.
Ein wenig darfst du schon über dich verraten, wenn du mir eine Folgeanfrage stellst.

Und T witter... interessiert mich wirklich nicht die Bohne. Ich will nix davon wissen. Auch nicht, was dort gepostet wird.

Linux, FOSS, Öffentlicher Verkehr, Eisenbahn, Radfahren, Fußgehen, Verkehrsplanung, Städtebau, Will das Schöne wieder in die Welt bringen, Nachhaltigkeit, Modellbahn, Java Entwickler (jun), Bash,

#fedi22 #Eisenbahn #Modellbahn #Linux #Nachhaltigkeit #Verkehrsplanung #Autokorrektur #Radfahren #Fussgehen #SanfteMobilität #LebenOhneAuto #Trains #Mobilität #Bicycle #Fahrrad #DIY